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couple and then clash..

Friday 28 October 2011 | 11:29 | 0 ♥

hye semuee...ari ni nana ade storry morry kepade semua..hihihihi
citer die gini..cer citer cer citer..
mule nana couple ngn bdk drjh 6..die sekolah kat seri tasik..die mmg kurang ajr dgn nana..benci gile nk mapus..sorry nana dh start mencarut dh nie.lps tu caouple ngn form 1..biase2 lah..budak2 zaman skrng..nk cuople jer keje..die tu tibe 2 jer nk clash..tk tahu perangai die dgn sifat die..lps tu couple dgn form 4..hahaha baser2.budak2 zaman skrng kan dh maju..asyik2 nk couple..form4 tu mmg takkde budi bahase langsiong..benci..budi bahse ko mane arrr...hhahaha..samapi di sinie sahe nana boley citer kepade korang..hahaha..byebye.. jumpe minggu dpn..jngn lupe like and coment okey..

byebye..sape yang bace blog nie..I LOVE YOU...byebye..


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